Winter is coming – gear up for the season!

5 min read


  • The Porsanger Battalion, located in the arctic region of Finnmark, Norway, faces extreme winter conditions where proper training and clothing are crucial for survival.
  • Their mission is to defend a region comparable in size to Denmark, making it a challenging and demanding task.
  • Operating in such harsh environments requires exceptional preparation and resilience from the battalion members.

Extremely cold and difficult weather conditions in the winter can be deadly if you do not have the right training and clothing to cope with these factors in mind. This is the reality of the Porsanger Battalion, located in Finnmark which is an arctic region in the northern part of Norway. The Battalion’s purpose is to defend this region which is in similar size to the whole of Denmark. It is by no means, an easy task.

In this video you can see how the Porsanger Battalion handle the cold north, fully dressed in winter gear.

Listed below, you find the type of equipment the soldiers used during this film:

  • HJELM™: This is our flagship product – extremely light ballistic combat helmet system with world first technologies and design.
  • GARM™: Innovative combat clothing line which offers enhancing mobility in the toughest conditions.
  • THOR™: Load bearing systems comprising of the MCVS – Modular Combat Vest System
  • SKJOLD™: Soft and hard ballistic protection.
  • NONSTOP™: Clothing for extreme winter weather conditions.

GARM 2.0 – Innovative combat clothing

THOR – Load Bearing Systems

NONSTOP – Extreme cold weather clothing

Please note that some of the equipment used by the soldiers in this movie was provided by NFM and is not standard issue.